Q: What information should I read before using an ArcEquine on my horse?
A: All users should carefully read the user manual contained with any complete kit before using the device. If one is not included you should contact us immediately.
Q: What can an ArcEquine be used for?
A: The application of Microcurrent aims to support the body’s natural repair process and to help it trigger the production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). ARC Microtech products should never replace any medical advice and should not be used if cancer is present or you think it may be present just for safety.
Q: What evidence is there that Microcurrent technology works?
A: There are many peer-reviewed research publications supporting the efficacy and safety of Microcurrent. There are also many case studies showcasing significant benefits that users have experienced from using Microcurrent to treat a broad spectrum of conditions.
Q: How quickly will I see results?
A: Due to the vast number of variables and individual differences, every horse will respond differently to Microcurrent. This is why we cannot provide any guarantees or suggest timescales. Users typically experience a notable improvement within the first 6 weeks, with many experiencing improvements within a shorter period of time.
Q: How do I know that the ArcEquine is working?
A: The applied microcurrent supports the processes that are occurring naturally within the cells of the body and are below the levels of sensory perception. Therefore, there should not be any noticeable feeling or sensation when using the device. The green flashing light on the delivery unit will reassure you that the device is working correctly and that a good connection has been established.
Q: Are there any side effects?
A: Microcurrent may cause a slight dehydrating effect. Please ensure that horses have access to fresh drinking water at all times.
Q: If inflammation is a natural reaction, why does the device aim to reduce inflammation?
A: The device does not prevent inflammation or interfere in any way with the natural healing process. Instead, the microcurrent aims to promote the body’s natural cellular processes in order to facilitate the healing process.
Q: Can an ArcEquine be used instead of veterinary treatment?
A: The ArcEquine should be used in addition to, and never as a replacement for existing veterinary policies and practices. Always consult your vet about illnesses.
Q: Is an ArcEquine and Microcurrent safe?
A: In general, the safety of Microcurrent has been well reported and is considered to be a safe and non-invasive treatment option.
Q: Skin Sensitivity?
A: Whilst it is very uncommon, some horses may develop a rub-type condition or a sensitivity reaction as a result of prolonged use. On rare occasions they may also experience minor hair loss or hair discolouration. To reduce the likelihood of this happening we make the following recommendations:
- Do not over tighten the strap. The carbon rubber pads, plus gel, are sensitive so very little pressure is required to maintain a good contact.
- Remove the carbon rubber pads and clean the surface of the pad to remove any residue from the previous application, washing only the contact surface and drying thoroughly.
- Do not use for more than 3 hours in any single session.
- Remove the Leg Strap after every 3 hours of use.
- Do not use overnight.
- Never strap the device over an open wound or skin irritation.
- The ArcEquine is safe to use on injury’s that have not broken the skin, providing the horse is accepting of this.
- Always rotate the device between legs for each 3 hour treatment.
Q: Conductive Gel Sensitivity?
A: The gel we supply has been formulated to be water soluble, hypoallergenic and free from propylene glycol. Some horses can be hypersensitive to gels (or one of their constituent parts) and we cannot guarantee that a horse will not have a sensitivity reaction to the gel. If your horse experiences a reaction to the gel, we recommend washing the gel from the affected area and discontinuing use.
Q: Do I need to consult my vet before using it?
A: Microcurrent is a safe, non-invasive and drug-free treatment. However, we always recommend that you consult your vet before using an ArcEquine if your horse has any medical concerns, has any serious health conditions, or is receiving care from any healthcare professionals. We also recommend that you carefully read the supplied user manual which provides information relating to warnings, precautions, and contraindications.
Q: Is an ArcEquine similar to a TENS machine?
A: The ArcEquine functions very differently to a TENS Machine. A TENS machine aims to reduce the symptoms of pain by using a stronger electrical current as a stimulator to provide temporary pain relief. Microcurrent technology uses a much smaller microcurrent that aims to help the body address the underlying cause of the pain.
Q: Are there any contraindications for the ArcEquine and Microcurrent?
A: Contraindications include:
- Implanted defibrillators or any other implanted electrical device.
- Suspected or diagnosed epilepsy.
- Suspected or diagnosed cancer of any type.
- Suspected or diagnosed heart disease or heart conditions of any type.
- The horse is pregnant
Q: Can I use an ArcEquine if my horse is pregnant?
A: There is currently no clinical evidence to support the safety of using Microcurrent during pregnancy. Therefore, we do not recommend it.
Q: Can I use an ArcEquine if my horse has Epilepsy?
A: There is currently no clinical evidence to support the safety of using Microcurrent with epilepsy. Therefore, we do not recommend it.
Q: Can an ArcEquine be used on horses with heart conditions or heart disease?
A: There is currently no clinical evidence to support the safety of using Microcurrent with heart disease or heart conditions. Therefore, we do not recommend it.
Q: Can an ArcEquine be used by horses with implanted electrical devices?
A: There is currently no clinical evidence to support the safety of using Microcurrent with implanted defibrillators or any other implanted electrical device. As it is currently unknown whether either device could cause any electrical interference, we do not recommend it.
Q: Is an ArcEquine suitable for horses with cancer?
A: The use and safety of Microcurrent with cancer has not yet been clinically established. Whilst the Microcurrent may provide benefits relating to pain management and the functionality of healthy cells, the possible effects of the Microcurrent on the cancer cells are currently unknown. Therefore, we do not recommend the use of Microcurrent for those with suspected or diagnosed cancer of any type.
Q: What happens if I notice an increase in symptoms?
A: An increase in symptoms within the first few days or weeks is uncommon, but these occasions tend to be short lived and are normally a precursor to improvement. In the unlikely event of any adverse reaction we always recommend that you discontinue use and contact admin@arcmicrotech.com
Q: Does Microcurrent provide a cure?
A: Microcurrent does not provide a cure. Many conditions such as arthritis are degenerative and incurable, but Microcurrent can be used as a safe and effective tool to help the body reduce the associated symptoms through pain management.